About Marriage in South Africa
In South Africa, the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 regulates how assets and liabilities are managed within different matrimonial regimes. Understanding these regimes is essential for couples planning their marriage or dealing with its dissolution, whether through divorce or the death of a spouse.

Matrimonial Property Systems
Marriage in Community of Property
This is the default regime when no antenuptial contract (ANC) is signed before marriage.
All assets and liabilities, whether acquired before or during the marriage, are pooled into a joint estate. Both spouses share equal ownership and responsibility for debts. Decision-Making: Major financial decisions, such as buying property or taking out loans, require both spouses’ consent.
Upon divorce or death, the joint estate is divided equally, regardless of individual contributions. Joint liability for debts means if one spouse becomes insolvent, the entire joint estate is at risk which can be a challenge.
Marriage Out of Community of Property
Couples who wish to keep their assets and liabilities separate must sign an antenuptial contract before marriage. This regime has two sub-options
Separate Estates: Each spouse retains ownership of their own assets and liabilities throughout the marriage. No Sharing: Upon dissolution of the marriage, each spouse walks away with their respective assets and liabilities.
Benefits Protects one spouse from the other’s debts or insolvency.
Challenges It can be inequitable for a non-working spouse who contributes to the marriage (e.g., raising children) but acquires no assets.
Separate Estates During Marriage Assets and liabilities remain separate during the marriage. Sharing on Dissolution: Upon divorce or death, the accrual (growth in value) of each spouse’s estate is calculated. The spouse with the smaller accrual can claim half the difference between the two estates.
Calculation Example
Initial Values Spouse A starts with R100,000; Spouse B with R200,000.
Final Values Spouse A’s estate grows to R400,000; Spouse B’s to R300,000.
Accrual Difference Spouse A owes Spouse B R100,000 to equalize the accrual.
Customisation Certain assets, such as inheritances, can be excluded from accrual calculations if specified in the ANC.
Challenges The spouse with the higher accrual may face liquidity issues, requiring asset sales or loans to settle the accrual claim.
Points to Consider
Antenuptial Contracts (ANC) Must be signed before the marriage and registered with the Deeds Office within three months this allows couples to customise their matrimonial property regime, such as excluding the accrual system.
Financial Goals Couples should carefully consider their financial circumstances and long-term goals before choosing a regime.
Foreign Marriages The matrimonial property regime is determined by the husband’s domicile (permanent residence) at the time of the marriage. For example, if a South African marries an English resident in Mauritius, English law applies.
How we can help with Legal Guidance on all Matrimonial Matters
Navigating the complexities of matrimonial property laws requires expert legal advice. Our family law attorneys in Johannesburg specialize in
- Drafting and registering antenuptial contracts.
- Advising on the financial and legal implications of different matrimonial property regimes.
- Assisting with disputes and estate division upon divorce or death.
- By securing sound legal advice, you can ensure that your chosen matrimonial regime aligns with your personal and financial goals, protecting your interests and avoiding potential disputes. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and let us help you make informed decisions about your marriage.